Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dreams for country

“Dreams for my country”
Each patriotic person has dreams for his country and I have many dreams for my country.

Even in Islam, we have a hadith whereby our prophet (peace be upon him) said: “patriotism is part of faith.”
                      First and foremost, as we all know my country is involved with many problems.
I believe the most necessity for my country is peace.

 Peace is the key solution. If we attain peace we can have everything. We can foster in fields of education, sports, military, economy and others.

I believe if we attain peace, there will be no war, bloodshed and crying orphan.
                        Secondly, we have abundance of natural resources, like mine, uranium, gold, ruby and et cetera. These resources can help in developing my country’s economy. I want my country to be known as one of the main exporters of natural resources in the world.


Besides that, I want my country to fully utilize its agriculture industry by exporting various local agricultural products.

                     Thirdly, I want fight against corruption, social, moral, and political corruptions.

 As long as corruption is in any country or states, we are destined to face major problems. I believe if we do not solve this serious problem, we cannot be successful.
                       In conclusion, I have many dreams and ambitions for my country and very deep inside my heart.

 I want to ensure it’s peace, harmony and prosperity.

thanks for your attention.

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