Friday, April 19, 2013

Life of pi

Life of pi
 I want to tell you the story of a film which is named (life of pi) it’s  story  is about a man who has two children.  and he has  a zoo which has a lot of animals. and one of his boy likes to become friend with tiger like a humanbut his father Says its very dangerous.  and one day his father Says we must leave  this country. because his father is a businessman. and they  leave this country when they are passing  the ocean .suddenly the ship drawn.  and all animals and his family dieand he cannot do anything for them only he can rescue himself by boat. and there is a hyena, a zebra,  monkey and a tiger. on the boat which the tiger eats all the animals. and boy is afraid from tiger.  and he make a thing like small boat which link with the big boat by a string,. the boy and tiger are very hungry they are on the ocean and they cannot  find food,. the boy takes fish and gives for tiger and also the boy   keeps some food which is on the boat .  and the boy gives food for tiger every day . and he thinks  I will die because the food will be finished and he does not have another  food .and he is on the ocean he cannot find food.   and the boy is very kind he thinks that the tigers never become friend,  one day storm comes and destroys  the small boat and he has to  go  to the tiger’s boat. he goes there and the tiger becomes like his friend  he is very happy and night comes and the boy hug the tiger.  and starts crying and  says for tiger we will die  because the food is finished .and boy does not  have power to take fish for the tiger and they will be around 4 months  on the boat,   boy goes to sleep at night  and one time he gets up and sees  the weather  is sunny and he sees  the beach. and he is very happy and he sleeps on the beech because he does not sleep for four months in a soft place. and that time tiger wants to  go the forest and bay also wants to go home . but it is very difficult  for them to be separated  because they are like friend .and they go and the movie is  finished I take result  that the family is  very important we must respect them .and we have to hope  every time and we never be hopeless . because every time we have  a way for the solve our problem .and we have to be kind because we can find a lot of good friends. and we can take the all heart even we can take a tiger’s heart thanks for your attention .
By: Abdullah sarwari

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