Saturday, April 20, 2013

English Language

English Language
As it is clear for all English Language is the most famous Language of the world, which has covered
Almost all over of the world.
Usually when someone has a trip to a foreign country, he will usually try to learn English before the
Trip, to solve their problems which will has in front.
Like: Me and my friends.
To be honest there is many famous scientists and writers that they have prepared their books in
English, like William Shakespeare, Sir Thomas wyatt, Sir Thomas more and ……..etc
And they have many interesting books in English, so if we want to have access to them or to give benefits from them, we have to know English language, may be a question come to your mind that,
But some people have translated those books to another languages? About this I can say that a translated book never can be like the same with an original book.

But in spite of all these facilities which English has provided for human generation and has positive points, it has some negative points also
For example we can say we know many people that when they have started using English they have lost
Their pure mother tongue.
Or also we can say that English is not the most perfect language of the world.

In conclusion we can say although learning of English can face us with some problem, but because it is a share language in the world and it can help us to solve some of our problems, so it is important to learn it.
 And here is some pictures from some famous English writers:

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