Saturday, April 20, 2013

English Language

English Language
As it is clear for all English Language is the most famous Language of the world, which has covered
Almost all over of the world.
Usually when someone has a trip to a foreign country, he will usually try to learn English before the
Trip, to solve their problems which will has in front.
Like: Me and my friends.
To be honest there is many famous scientists and writers that they have prepared their books in
English, like William Shakespeare, Sir Thomas wyatt, Sir Thomas more and ……..etc
And they have many interesting books in English, so if we want to have access to them or to give benefits from them, we have to know English language, may be a question come to your mind that,
But some people have translated those books to another languages? About this I can say that a translated book never can be like the same with an original book.

But in spite of all these facilities which English has provided for human generation and has positive points, it has some negative points also
For example we can say we know many people that when they have started using English they have lost
Their pure mother tongue.
Or also we can say that English is not the most perfect language of the world.

In conclusion we can say although learning of English can face us with some problem, but because it is a share language in the world and it can help us to solve some of our problems, so it is important to learn it.
 And here is some pictures from some famous English writers:

Friday, April 19, 2013

Life of pi

Life of pi
 I want to tell you the story of a film which is named (life of pi) it’s  story  is about a man who has two children.  and he has  a zoo which has a lot of animals. and one of his boy likes to become friend with tiger like a humanbut his father Says its very dangerous.  and one day his father Says we must leave  this country. because his father is a businessman. and they  leave this country when they are passing  the ocean .suddenly the ship drawn.  and all animals and his family dieand he cannot do anything for them only he can rescue himself by boat. and there is a hyena, a zebra,  monkey and a tiger. on the boat which the tiger eats all the animals. and boy is afraid from tiger.  and he make a thing like small boat which link with the big boat by a string,. the boy and tiger are very hungry they are on the ocean and they cannot  find food,. the boy takes fish and gives for tiger and also the boy   keeps some food which is on the boat .  and the boy gives food for tiger every day . and he thinks  I will die because the food will be finished and he does not have another  food .and he is on the ocean he cannot find food.   and the boy is very kind he thinks that the tigers never become friend,  one day storm comes and destroys  the small boat and he has to  go  to the tiger’s boat. he goes there and the tiger becomes like his friend  he is very happy and night comes and the boy hug the tiger.  and starts crying and  says for tiger we will die  because the food is finished .and boy does not  have power to take fish for the tiger and they will be around 4 months  on the boat,   boy goes to sleep at night  and one time he gets up and sees  the weather  is sunny and he sees  the beach. and he is very happy and he sleeps on the beech because he does not sleep for four months in a soft place. and that time tiger wants to  go the forest and bay also wants to go home . but it is very difficult  for them to be separated  because they are like friend .and they go and the movie is  finished I take result  that the family is  very important we must respect them .and we have to hope  every time and we never be hopeless . because every time we have  a way for the solve our problem .and we have to be kind because we can find a lot of good friends. and we can take the all heart even we can take a tiger’s heart thanks for your attention .
By: Abdullah sarwari

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dreams for country

“Dreams for my country”
Each patriotic person has dreams for his country and I have many dreams for my country.

Even in Islam, we have a hadith whereby our prophet (peace be upon him) said: “patriotism is part of faith.”
                      First and foremost, as we all know my country is involved with many problems.
I believe the most necessity for my country is peace.

 Peace is the key solution. If we attain peace we can have everything. We can foster in fields of education, sports, military, economy and others.

I believe if we attain peace, there will be no war, bloodshed and crying orphan.
                        Secondly, we have abundance of natural resources, like mine, uranium, gold, ruby and et cetera. These resources can help in developing my country’s economy. I want my country to be known as one of the main exporters of natural resources in the world.


Besides that, I want my country to fully utilize its agriculture industry by exporting various local agricultural products.

                     Thirdly, I want fight against corruption, social, moral, and political corruptions.

 As long as corruption is in any country or states, we are destined to face major problems. I believe if we do not solve this serious problem, we cannot be successful.
                       In conclusion, I have many dreams and ambitions for my country and very deep inside my heart.

 I want to ensure it’s peace, harmony and prosperity.

thanks for your attention.

Different of celebrating Nowrooz in Afghanistan and Malaysia

People in different parts of Afghanistan have special ceremonies to celebrate New Year .this day celebrates grandly in Mazar E Sharif and Kabul. We have customs for celebrating the New Year for 40 days.
Mazar E Sharif
People from several provinces travel to mazar e sharif and Kabul for ceremony of Janda bala and picnics of gul e sorkh. This is a familiar and interesting custom among the people.

Janda bala
Picnic of Gul Sorkh
The naming of the Gul e Sorkh is taken from the name of the red flowers that are growing with the arrival of spring across the plains and hills ,and even the walls and roof’s of mud houses become colorful  with these flowers .
Gul Sorkh

Before the new year many famillies go to shopping to buy new things for decorating their homes.
In the night of new year, they cook a special dish by the name of samanak ,and the women start to cook it from evening  until morning  together. They even sing a special song while cooking the samanak. (samanak dar josh ma kafcha zanim degaran dar khab ma dafcha zanim,…)

They prepare 7 dried  fruits for the night of new year. There are almond, pistachis, raisin, dried apricot and nut. They are soaked in syrup for a night and served as a delicacy on new year’s day. 

The people of Afghanistan go sightseing and picnic with their families, to places like –Band Qargha, Paghman and Bagh e Babor and etc.

During the new year celebration people of  Afghanistan also  play  traditional games ,such as – buz kashi, pahlawani and gudi paran bazi.

They also have traditional dances such as attan meli ,qarsak and qataghani. 
Jashan e Dehqan (famer’s ceremony)
This ceremony also celebrates on the first day of the new year. Farmers go to the cities and show their
products in this ceremony. Beside, famous personalities of Afghanistan come to see it.

But this year we were not with our familly because we are in malaysia .This year we celebrated new year 2 times,the first day of new year ,we( 28 Afghan students of usim) went in stadium of our university.  there we prepared something for dinner and the boys danced ,it was so limited.

And for second time we celebrated in International islamic university malaysia. All afghan students that are Studying in several universities in Malaysia were appeared, in addition all afghan embassy employees participated, including Embassador of Afghanistan. there we had many funs and a complete show of different cultures of Afghanistan.
 For instance, different dances from deferent parts of our homeland, poetry debates and some other programs.

In an analytic view this new year was also interesting But not as we were celebrating in Afghanistan. 
 new year celebration is a worldwide celebration which is interesting for many people.